Aquarius Population Health

The Guardian supplement ‘Acting on AMR’, was published in March 2018, and focused on a number of ways to improve antimicrobial stewardship. This supplement included an article by Momentum Bioscience, which highlighted the importance of using technology to enable earlier rule-out of blood stream infections.

In addition to the benefits to patients, Aquarius conducted an economic analysis for Momentum Bioscience to estimate the impact if the test is used on neonates with suspected sepsis. Our estimates showed that if the test is used on all babies born in England, an estimated £6 million could be saved, with a significant reduction in the antibiotics used and length of stay of babies who were free from infection.

Publication Bennett, H  ‘How do we enable more efficient patient management and antibiotic stewardship?’ MediaPlanet (an independent supplement distributed in The Guardian) March 2018 p5.



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