Piss in a pot and pop it in the post: An economic evaluation of vaginal swab and urine self-sampling for HPV primary cervical cancer screening compared with clinician-collected sampling

The cost-effectiveness of Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound compared to Deep Brain Stimulation for the treatment of essential tremor

Cost-effectiveness of a rapid point-of-care test for diagnosing patients with suspected bloodstream infection in Ireland

Health economic evaluation of an mRNA HR-HPV assay versus a DNA HR-HPV assay for the proposed French cervical screening programme

Identifying the common barriers to optimal COPD care in Japan, Canada, England, and Germany through Evidenced Care Pathways

Mapping and comparing COPD Care Pathways across 10 countries to understand barriers to optimal care: clinicians’ perspectives

Further evidence that rapid near-patient testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea in sexual health clinics benefits patient care

Care Pathway Mapping for Dravet Syndrome (DS) Patients in England

User experience and workflow performance: a pilot evaluation of the Genius Digital Diagnostics System for screening cervical cytology samples

Analysing the COPD care pathway in Japan, Canada, England, and Germany: a global view