Exploring an alternative way to triage samples within cervical cancer screening

Our analysis comparing the costs of using DNA methylation testing for triage instead of liquid-based cytology (LBC) within the Netherlands cervical screening programme has now been published as an open access peer reviewed publication in the journal Diagnostics. Self-sample collection for human papillomavirus (HPV)-primary cervical screening has been adopted in some settings to complement traditional Read More >
Looking at the cost implications of using PCR-based respiratory panel assays for patients admitted to hospital with pneumonia in the UK, France and Spain

Our paper on the cost of using PCR-based respiratory panel assays for patients with pneumonia was published this week in BMC Pulmonary Medicine. This work, funded by the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), compared the cost of using standard diagnostic tests with the cost of using either an upper respiratory pathogen PCR-based panel test, a lower Read More >
Comparing the costs and benefits of the use of an mRNA HR-HPR assay to a DNA HR-HPV assay in the proposed cervical screening programme in France

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women aged 15 to 44 years in France. With the implementation of cytology-based cervical screening, cervical cancer incidence and mortality have decreased over time, however, cervical cancer remains a concern. As cervical cancer is primarily caused by persistent infection with high-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPV), guidelines for Read More >
Modelling the costs and benefits of an mRNA compared to a DNA high-risk HPV assay in a hypothetical HPV primary screening algorithm in Ontario, Canada

Cases of cervical cancer in Canada have decreased recently as a result of cytology-based screening programs. However, cervical cancer remains a relatively common and preventable cause of cancer in women. As cervical cancer is primarily caused by persistent genital infection with high-risk (HR) human papillomaviruses, Ontario Health has been evaluating implementing HPV-based testing in cervical Read More >
Aquarius part of collaborative NIHR grant to evaluate Odin Vision’s artificial intelligence technology to fight bowel cancer

In the UK, 42,000 new diagnoses and 16,000 deaths occur from bowel cancer each year. Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK, comprising over 10% of all deaths due to cancer. (1) A recent study found that almost one third of bowel cancer patients experience an avoidable delay Read More >
Building evidence for the value of digital health products at DHACA

January has been a busy month for Aquarius Population Health, and our team members have spoken at and attended several fascinating events. Our Managing Director, Dr Elisabeth Adams, presented at the invitation-only DHACA Day XI on the 18th January. Drawing from her extensive experience delivering health economic projects, Elisabeth provided key insights on how patient Read More >