Modelling the choice of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) assay in the English cervical screening programme

Cost analysis of near patient chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening and treatment in further education/technical colleges

Cluster-randomised feasibility trial of a chlamydia test and treat (TnT) service in further education colleges

Modelling cost-effectiveness of multipathogen POC tests for sexually transmitted infections

Three simple tests could save the NHS nearly £6.9 billion

Test n Treat – rapid STI testing and treatment in colleges: study protocol

Enabling more efficient patient management of blood stream infections

Assessing the impact of point-of-care testing for influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in children admitted to hospital

Exploring HCV eradication through diagnosis and treatment strategies

Mapping the treatment pathway for metastatic uveal melanoma patients in England: A qualitative pilot study