Is it possible to eliminate the transmission of a virus which doesn’t have a cure or a vaccine? This is certainly the hope for HIV.

In 2019, the previous government committed to eliminating HIV transmission by 2030 [1]. An action plan was developed [2] and a funding commitment made for opt-out HIV testing in hospital A&Es. However, an analysis by UCL [3] found that we are unlikely to achieve the 2030 goal with the current prevention efforts, despite an estimated Read More >
Research in Dravet syndrome and cervical cancer screening presented at international conferences

Aquarius has recently presented posters at international conferences (ISPOR, a conference for the leading professional society for health economics and outcomes research and EUROGIN, an international multidisciplinary HPV conference), exploring the impact of improving healthcare for two very different conditions: Dravet syndrome (rare debilitating epilepsy) and cervical cancer. Read More >
Could a same day test and treatment service in further education colleges improve uptake of chlamydia testing among young people?

Aquarius were part of a recent feasibility trial looking at whether provision of a same day test and treatment service for chlamydia in further education colleges increased uptake of chlamydia testing and treatment. The results of the trial were published this week in Clinical Microbiology and Infection and are available online. Read More >
PRESS RELEASE: Aquarius Population Health wins a prestigious SBRI grant from Innovate UK

Work has begun to develop a digital value proposition tool for a novel rapid sexually transmitted infection (STI) test London, UK, 14 August 2017 Aquarius Population Health, a leading independent health economics consultancy, has recently been awarded an 18-month Innovate UK grant in collaboration with Atlas Genetics Ltd and the Applied Diagnostic Research and Evaluation Read More >
Evaluating multi-bug point-of-care tests for sexually transmitted infections

We were a collaborator on a recent Innovate UK-funded SBRI project with Binx and the Applied Diagnostic Research and Evaluation Unit at St George’s University of London. In this project, our team compared the overall costs, patient benefits and cost-effectiveness of three different multi-pathogen point-of-care testing strategies with the current strategy of microscopy and lab-based Read More >
Integrating Personalised Medicine into the NHS

Personalised medicine is an emerging field that brings exciting changes to patient care. So, what exactly is personalised medicine and what are its benefits? In the past, various terms have been used interchangeably: ‘stratified medicine’, ‘personalised medicine’ and ‘precision medicine’. These terms refer to data driven medicine, in which data can be a patient’s genetic Read More >
Antimicrobial resistance: Why it matters

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been described as one of the world’s greatest threats to human and animal health. Some reports suggest that by 2050, AMR could kill around 10 million people each year worldwide. Public health leaders warn we could enter a ‘post-antibiotic’ era where easily treatable common infections become untreatable. Read More >
Antimicrobial resistance: How to combat AMR

Part 2: What, if anything, can we do as individuals to help combat AMR? In the second part of this article, we explore what we can do to combat AMR. Don’t get ill. That might sound ridiculous, since no one wants to get ill. However as individuals, we can reduce our risk of picking up Read More >
Antimicrobial Resistance: Innovation in rapid diagnostics

Part 3: What role does innovation such as rapid diagnostics have in preventing AMR? Just as new technology has helped us in the fight against global warming (fuel efficiency, clean energy etc.), technology can also help us in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). One such area is rapid diagnostics – identified as a key Read More >
Point of care testing: Disruptive innovation – is the NHS ready for it yet?

Our Managing Director, Elisabeth Adams, spoke in November about the importance of exploring the health economics of point of care testing (POCT) at the Royal Society of Medicine Telemedicine and eHealth event in London. Why is it important to explore the health economics of point of care testing (POCT)? Evaluating the health economics of POCTs Read More >