Could we optimise testing for gonorrhoea to avoid the use of last-line antibiotics?

Ceftriaxone is the first-line treatment for gonorrhoea but there are few alternative treatments available should ceftriaxone resistance become widespread. Aquarius created a model to explore how point-of-care testing could be used to diagnose gonorrhoea and at the same time test for antibiotic susceptibility, which could allow the use of previously abandoned antibiotics for many patients, Read More >
Evaluating the use AMR POCT in treatment of gonorrhoea

Aquarius Population Health recently worked with the Applied Diagnostic Research & Evaluation Unit (ADREU) at St. Georges, University of London, to assess the cost-effectiveness of six hypothetical strategies for using antimicrobial resistance point-of-care testing to guide the treatment of gonorrhoea. Our findings were presented at the STI & HIV World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Read More >
Antimicrobial resistance point-of-care test for gonorrhoea

In a study commissioned by the Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, Aquarius Population Health worked with modellers at the University of Bristol to create a mathematical model. The model was used to assess the economic implications and treatment impact of introducing a hypothetical antimicrobial resistance (AMR) point-of-care test (POCT) for gonorrhoea. Results of the study were Read More >
Antimicrobial resistance: Why it matters

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been described as one of the world’s greatest threats to human and animal health. Some reports suggest that by 2050, AMR could kill around 10 million people each year worldwide. Public health leaders warn we could enter a ‘post-antibiotic’ era where easily treatable common infections become untreatable. Read More >
Antimicrobial resistance: How to combat AMR

Part 2: What, if anything, can we do as individuals to help combat AMR? In the second part of this article, we explore what we can do to combat AMR. Don’t get ill. That might sound ridiculous, since no one wants to get ill. However as individuals, we can reduce our risk of picking up Read More >
Antimicrobial Resistance: Innovation in rapid diagnostics

Part 3: What role does innovation such as rapid diagnostics have in preventing AMR? Just as new technology has helped us in the fight against global warming (fuel efficiency, clean energy etc.), technology can also help us in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). One such area is rapid diagnostics – identified as a key Read More >