The cost of pelvic inflammatory disease and potential cost-savings of chlamydia screening

We worked with clinicians from St Georges University who had published a trial estimating the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) among women screened and unscreened for chlamydia. Patient data was analysed, and the average cost of managing PID was estimated to be £163 in community and hospital settings, and that over £60,000 could be saved in London alone from screening for chlamydia. This paper has been cited widely and results have informed policy and further modelling studies.
Thinking critically about the value and cost of drugs: managing patients with invasive fungal disease

How can European countries improve cervical cancer prevention for women?

Exploring the value of a rapid, on-demand test for the detection of human papillomavirus

Estimating the true costs of splitting HIV antiretroviral drugs

There is a temptation to switch to cheaper generic antiretroviral drugs compared to fixed-dose combination therapy for HIV patients in the interests of cost savings. However, in our analysis we found that there were no costs saved when including all patient care including drugs, additional clinic visits and monitoring. We also found that switching may cause confusion for some patients, risking loss of adherence. This evidence can help commissioners make better policy decisions about drug provision.
Understanding Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis patient care delivery and costs

We explored patient pathways for the diagnosis, management and monitoring of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) across England, based on NICE pathways, and interviews with healthcare staff from 14 hospital trusts. Data were used in our in-house tool to estimate the cost of pathways, compared to tariff reimbursement. We found large variation across England in how services for IPF patients are delivered, variation compared to the NICE pathway, and costs >40% more than what is currently reimbursed.
The true cost of treating invasive fungal infections in hospitals

We first created a generic framework to help decision-makers think about how to compare patient management whilst considering all costs to the healthcare provider. Then, we developed a specific tool for management of patients with invasive fungal disease (IFD). Lastly, we estimated that the attributable cost of managing adult haematology patients with IFD at Kings College Hospital (London) was more than £50,000 per case, with the inpatient stay cost far outstripping the cost of antifungal drugs.
The benefits and cost-savings of a new point-of-care test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea

We developed an understanding of how sexual health clinics in England could use a rapid point of care test for two common sexually transmitted infections. We defined the current patient care pathways and found that the pathways could be streamlined and costs of care reduced by using point-of-care tests. The economic model developed by Aquarius Population Health showed that the test could deliver £10 million in cost savings, and give far more effective management of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at a population level.
Benefits of a point of care test for sexual health testing

Mapping patient pathways and cost of point of care versus standard testing and treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhoea in sexual health clinics