An Implementation Tool For US Professionals: First Void Urine Self-Sampling for Primary HPV Cervical Cancer Screening

The national coverage of cervical cancer screening in the US is falling, with about 1 in 4 women not up to date with screening1. Under-screened women bear the greatest burden of disease. Evidence shows 60-64% of American women diagnosed with cervical cancer were unscreened, highlighting the need to explore alternative methods to improve access2-4. In Read More >
Publication of our economic evaluation comparing two cervical screening strategies in Belgium: HPV primary versus co-testing

User experience and workflow performance: a pilot evaluation of the Genius Digital Diagnostics System for screening cervical cytology samples

Evaluating the benefits and costs of using an mRNA versus DNA HR-HPV assay in the National Cervical Screening Programme in the Netherlands

Modelling the impact of using a DNA compared to mRNA HPV assay as part of the cervical screening programmes in Sweden and Denmark

Evaluating the choice of HPV assay in the French cervical screening programme with a decision tree model

A cost effectiveness analysis of repeat screening for syphilis in pregnancy as an alternative screening strategy in the UK

Examining the acceptability of offering STI screening in higher educational settings

Modelling the choice of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) assay in the English cervical screening programme

Rapid testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections improve patient care and yield public health benefits