Cost-effectiveness and impact of five different point of care strategies to preserve last line treatment for gonorrhoea
Examining the acceptability of offering STI screening in higher educational settings
Cost analysis of near patient chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening and treatment in further education/technical colleges
Modelling cost-effectiveness of multipathogen POC tests for sexually transmitted infections
Test n Treat – rapid STI testing and treatment in colleges: study protocol
Rapid testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections improve patient care and yield public health benefits
Cost-effectiveness of antimicrobial resistance point-of-care testing for optimising gonorrhoea treatment
Evaluating the costs, benefits and cost-effectiveness of multi-pathogen point-of-care tests for sexually transmitted infections
Modelling how point-of-care tests can enable personalised treatment for resistant gonorrhoea infections
The benefits and cost-savings of a new point-of-care test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea
We developed an understanding of how sexual health clinics in England could use a rapid point of care test for two common sexually transmitted infections. We defined the current patient care pathways and found that the pathways could be streamlined and costs of care reduced by using point-of-care tests. The economic model developed by Aquarius Population Health showed that the test could deliver £10 million in cost savings, and give far more effective management of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at a population level.