An Implementation Tool For US Professionals: First Void Urine Self-Sampling for Primary HPV Cervical Cancer Screening

The national coverage of cervical cancer screening in the US is falling, with about 1 in 4 women not up to date with screening1. Under-screened women bear the greatest burden of disease. Evidence shows 60-64% of American women diagnosed with cervical cancer were unscreened, highlighting the need to explore alternative methods to improve access2-4. In Read More >
Self-sampling for cervical cancer screening – what is it and what does evidence from Europe tell us about whether it provides any benefits compared to traditional ways of screening?

Regular screening is crucial for preventing cervical cancer or identifying cancer at an early stage, when treatment is most likely to be successful. Screening is particularly important for women who did not receive the HPV vaccine; in the UK, that means most women over the age of 30. Many European countries, including the UK, have Read More >
Comparing the costs and diagnostic outcomes of using DNA methylation testing instead of liquid-based cytology within HPV primary cervical cancer screening in the Netherlands.

Publication of our economic evaluation comparing two cervical screening strategies in Belgium: HPV primary versus co-testing

Piss in a pot and pop it in the post: An economic evaluation of vaginal swab and urine self-sampling for HPV primary cervical cancer screening compared with clinician-collected sampling

How to prevent cervical cancer: HPV – we are coming to get you!

Cervical screening and HPV testing: Opportunities for rapid tests

We explored the use of a rapid, on-demand human papillomavirus (HPV) test. Interviews with UK experts revealed that a co-located, on-demand HPV test following cytology could reduce the time to cervical screening results by up to a week, with a near-patient primary HPV test followed by cytology triage could radically change the testing paradigm. A follow-up tool we built in Excel was used to understand cervical screening burden and HPV testing across Europe.
How can European countries improve cervical cancer prevention for women?

Exploring the value of a rapid, on-demand test for the detection of human papillomavirus