Using real world evidence to characterise a cohort of metastatic uveal melanoma patients in England

Quantifying standard of care hospital-related resource utilisation for metastatic uveal melanoma patients in England

Rapid testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections improve patient care and yield public health benefits

Cost-effectiveness of antimicrobial resistance point-of-care testing for optimising gonorrhoea treatment

Evaluating the costs, benefits and cost-effectiveness of multi-pathogen point-of-care tests for sexually transmitted infections

Modelling how point-of-care tests can enable personalised treatment for resistant gonorrhoea infections

Point-of-care tests for infectious diseases: Barriers to implementation across three London teaching hospitals

Point of care testing: Disruptive innovation – is the NHS ready for it yet?

Modelling the burden of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer in Europe

How to prevent cervical cancer: HPV – we are coming to get you!